The Realization of Oneness  

Believe that all hearts are motivated by the One and Only God; that all faiths honor the One and Only God; that all names in all languages and all forms people can conceive refer to the One and Only God; and that worship is best expressed through love. Foster an attitude of oneness among individuals of all beliefs, nations, and continents. This is the message of love I share. This is the message I hope you will embrace.
- Sri Sathya Sai Baba, July 4, 1968

Simply put, Oneness is the highest expression of unity – the awareness and experience of the underlying unity that exists across all creation. Such awareness transforms our narrow mindedness and self-centered tendencies into expansive love for everyone and everything. Such love in turn automatically yields the internal and external peace that all of us much yearn for.  


Oneness leads us to understand that all hearts are motivated by the One and Only God, that all faiths honor the One and Only God and that all names and all languages lead us to the same God if we only nurture love in our hearts. At their core, all religions proclaim the unity of divinity and preach the cultivation of universal love without regard to caste, creed, country, or color.  The philosophic ideas or the practices and methods of approach may vary, however, there is only one final objective and goal. The basis for a spiritual, God-based life is the indwelling spirit. The body is the home of the Spirit. Thus, we must foster an attitude of oneness among individuals of all beliefs, nations, and continents.


Life in society should also conform to the spiritual concept of oneness. Humanity must understand that individuals and society are all manifestations of the divine will and that the divine permeates all creation. Recognizing this truth can help one transcend ego and lead a life of selfless love and duty. Society should strive to be a community of divinely guided individuals rather than a battleground of selfish behavior.

The whole universe is pervaded by the Supreme Being. There is nothing in the universe that is separate from this Supreme Being.
- Upanishads