The Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) is a free, non-denominational voluntary organization based in around 110 countries. The members come from all faiths and share a common goal: To reach the ultimate goal of realization of their innate divinity by practicing the teachings of unity, selfless love and service, and the practice of our innate human values, as taught by Sri Sathya Sai Baba. At the core of the Organization is the individual, who believes in the assumption of personal responsibility for ethical self-transformation through the active practice of these teachings.
Typically, individual seekers and members of the Organization come to their local Sri Sathya Sai “Centers” for participation in weekly group devotionals and spiritual activities, and to volunteer in regular service activities such as giving food to the needy, organizing medical services, providing education and character-based support, humanitarian relief, and several other forms of community support. For members of the SSSIO, service is not a mere gesture, but something that is rendered voluntarily, wholeheartedly and with the greatest of joy and love.
The goal of participation is ultimately the transformation of self and society into a place of selfless love, a place where the recognition of the divinity innate in humanity becomes possible. The living ideal of the SSSIO is to LOVE ALL, SERVE ALL, HELP EVER, HURT NEVER, through the cultivation of oneness with everyone, family, community, nation and world.
The SSSIO is governed by the Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation (SSSWF) and the Prasanthi Council (PC), and consists of about 2000 Sri Sathya Sai Centers. Center activities are coordinated by voluntary organizational leaders working at regional, national and international levels. In addition, there are Committees appointed by the SSWF that help administration of day-to-day activities.
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Charity law within the UK varies among England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, but the fundamental principles are the same. Most organizations.
Charity law within the UK varies among England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, but the fundamental principles are the same. Most organizations.
Charity law within the UK varies among England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, but the fundamental principles are the same. Most organizations.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipisi cing elit, do eiusmod tempor ut abore et dolore magna
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipisi cing elit, do eiusmod tempor ut abore et dolore magna