Refugee Support - US

Love more and more people. Love them more and more intensely. Transform the love into service, transform the service into worship. That is the highest spiritual practice.
- Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 5, March 1965

Over the years, SSSIO-USA Centers and Groups have been involved in resettling and supporting refugees from all over the world as they begin new lives in America. A refugee is defined as a person who has been forced to flee their country of origin because of persecution. After being displaced from their native countries, refugees face several challenges.  Taking care of refugees is part of the Community Outreach projects at the Sri Sathya Sai International Organization – USA.  Supporting refugees are in the form of tutoring refugee children, holding special events, providing supplies for rebuilding their homes and creating vegetable garden for refugee families. 


Ukraine Refugees

Region 1: Northeast Region Service Projects


World Relief

Refugee Relief, Seattle, WA

The  service  activities that we undertake are meant to experience unity in society. It is a great mistake if you think that you are serving others. In fact, you should not consider anybody as "other", for all are the embodiments of divinity.
- Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 35, 2002